More sustainable products coming soon !

In the coming weeks, we will be redesigning some of the items in our range, updating product photos to show additional options and also adding alot more information to each product page, including things like safety testing information, ingredients, sustainability info, stock levels, etc.

We request that distributors please bear with us thru this process.

1. Some products may show up, change or come off our website as we update each item. Please remember that any of the products that Promotherapy has supplied before, can continue to be supplied whether it's a listed product, or as a custom request.

2. The APPA data currently available for download from the "Sales Resources" page, along with our images zip folder - contains only old products and images at this stage. However it is the most current data that is available at this point. We will finalise the new data file soon and announce this on our homepage when ready.

We apologise for any inconvenience. If you have any questions or anything that you'd like to confirm regarding outstanding quotes that you have with your clients - please email us. We are happy to work with distributors during this time of change and growth :)   

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