5 days left until our 2019 shut-down starting this Friday 6th December!

We'll still be in email contact throughout the period, so please email us at sales@promotherapy.com.au with any questions - but our production factory is finishing up their schedule for the year this Friday to allow us to perform some much-needed equipment maintenance and upgrades (and get setup for 2020).

2019 has been a super busy year for us here at Promotherapy and so much important work (things that have been on our to-do lists almost all year) have been put on the back-burner while dealing with the more immediate issues.

So after a few days break next week, the Promotherapy team is getting together to work on having all those tasks crossed off our to-do lists so that we can start 2020 with a clean slate, a great long term strategy and a whole lot more to offer those operating in our networks :D


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