Calling all Catalogue Queens!
Vinny Sanders

Global #ClimateStrike is TODAY, so let's get involved! ☀️
Vinny Sanders

Join us on September 20th - three days out from the UN’s Emergency Climate Summit by taking the day off work to show our lawmakers that we’re serious about climate action :D A new survey released just the other day has revealed that more and more Australians are coming to expect their chief executives to speak up on social and environmental issues - they expect their CEO's and favourite brands to stand for something. For more info about this, read here: So in solidarity with countless other Australian and global companies Promotherapy will be joining the global #ClimateStrike and we urge our networks to...
More Plastic Waste Returned to Australia
Vinny Sanders

The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age previously confirmed that Indonesia had returned at least nine containers to Australia in the past month because they contained contaminated waste that could not be recycled. The sheer number of containers being returned to Australia, which was confirmed on Wednesday by Indonesia's customs officials, highlighted the massive volume of plastic waste Australia has been sending offshore for recycling. Read more about this here: With China and other countries now doing the same, plastic is becoming a mounting problem for Australia and consumers are no longer in the dark about where their waste is ending up. What does this represent for the...
More sustainable products coming soon !
Vinny Sanders

In the coming weeks, we will be redesigning some of the items in our range, updating product photos to show additional options and also adding alot more information to each product page, including things like safety testing information, ingredients, sustainability info, stock levels, etc. We request that distributors please bear with us thru this process. 1. Some products may show up, change or come off our website as we update each item. Please remember that any of the products that Promotherapy has supplied before, can continue to be supplied whether it's a listed product, or as a custom request. 2....
Our Condom range has been extended!
Matt Santos

Download and save our new wholesale list of condom styles and flavours for your next client meeting. Available in an easy UNBRANDED pdf format for easy forwarding and duplicating, this document lists all available condom styles and flavours available in our condom sleeves and other products. Click to view and download the document