Coral Reefs and Clean Sunscreens by @TheAustralianPoet
Nekita Roberts

And so here we are again, nature and its beautiful balance fighting once more against intruders of the sea. But is it ignorance that is the real enemy here?We are creatures of nature. And on the gorgeous beaches across this magnificent planet, all the beautiful humans frolic in her playground. We are at one with her, swimming in her oceans, worshipping her mighty sun. Drawn to the warmth, we bask beneath euphoric rays, as healing as they are harmful.And beyond the blue, lies an ocean bed below shallow waters, where sunlight pierces through. The Zooxanthellae Algae living inside the coral,...
New data tables now available!
Matt Santos

We've just updated our APPA data file available for download only by logged in and approved distributors. Please visit our downloads page to view. We've double-checked everything a final time (this time using formulas!) and have included for your use a separate unbranded stock and print rates worksheet for those who's website catalogues work a little differently to the APPA industry standard formats. If you need your data in a different format not yet available, please contact us for assistance we'll be happy to work with you to get all new data and information up to date and current :D
Tea Flavours PDF Now Available!
Vinny Sanders

Download and save our new wholesale, promotional all-organic, list of tea flavours. This document, like all of our distributor sales tools contains NO BRANDING, so you can quickly download and email it across to your clients. Happy selling! Click to download the PDF
All-new Biodegradeable Packaging
Matt Santos

Over the coming months, we will be reducing our plastic footprint by replacing alot of our tamper-sealing and packaging with biodegradeable films produced by world leading Japanese company, Futumura Group. To find out more about the special plastic-like films that we've started using on some of our products, watch this video.
Looking for SPF promo products? Watch this first!
Vinny Sanders

A recent F.D.A. study showed that certain chemicals required for sunscreens to be SPF-rated can seep into and remain in people's blood! Watch this video to find out more... View our range of natural, safe and reef-friendly sun and outdoor products.